Our Appointment System




Please try this advice before contacting the Practice and check who is best placed to deal with your condition in the dropdown below.


Many conditions can be dealt with without the need to see your GP. You can try a local pharmacy for advice about a range of conditions and we also have lots of self help information available by clicking here.

Please try this advice before contacting the Practice.

book appointment with GP


Your Appointment


All appointment requests are triaged on the day and if the triaging GP deems it necessary, an urgent on the day appointment will be booked. We have pre-bookable routine appointments available with all the doctors up to 4 weeks in advance. Please remember that appointments are for 10 minutes for one problem only. If you have more than one problem please ask for a longer appointment if possible.

Our online triage system for medical appointments is open 8am until 3pm, Monday to Friday. We are closed at weekends and on Bank Holidays. If you feel you need to contact the practice for a medical appointment after 3pm Monday-Friday, please contact us on the telephone number below. 

Our online triage system for Admin queries is open 8am until 5pm, Monday to Friday. We are closed at weekends and on Bank Holidays.

Contact the surgery in the following ways:


Priority For Sick Children

If your child's problem is urgent, please contact the surgery for an urgent appointmentPlease be aware that same day appointments can be booked for those under five years of age by completing an online triage request.


Request a Home Visit

Please contact us to request home visits as early as possible giving a brief description of the problem to help the receptionists to assess if the visit is urgent. No guarantee can be given as to which GP will attend. Decisions as to whether or not a home visit is warranted rest with the GPs. Difficulty with transport is not in itself a valid reason to request a home visit.

Home visits should be requested the day before or on the day of visit. If the visit is deemed an emergency please phone before 10.30am for a same day visit. Visits requests received after 11:30 will be passed to the on-call doctor who will make the judgement whether the visit is for the same day or the day thereafter.


How to Cancel an Appointment

We know people forget things, cancelling GP appointments being one of them. Remember to cancel your appointment if you don't need it.

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please give us as much notice as possible so that your appointment can be offered to someone else.

If you are cancelling please telephone us on 0161 983 5844 as soon as possible, and at least 30 minutes before your appointment time. This will enable us to offer your appointment to someone else.

Please remember that there may be a shortage of appointments and when you fail to attend you have prevented someone else from being seen in your place. On average about 127 appointments are missed each month.

Cancellations notified less than 30 minutes before the appointment time will be recorded as failure to attend (DNA).

Repeated failure to attend booked appointments is a significant waste of NHS resources. Missed appointments cost the NHS many millions of pounds a year.

In order to ensure equity amongst our patients if 3 appointments are missed and NOT cancelled in one calendar year the practice may remove you from its list.